Team Registration
Teams can have between one and three students. Students on a team do not need to be in the same grade, or have the same level of programming experience. If the registration limit is exceeded, we will allocate slots to ensure fair representation of all interested schools based on the following policy:
- Teams belonging to the same school are ordered by time of registration.
- Each school’s #1 team will be registered, then each school’s #2 team, and so on until all spaces are allocated.
- Teams consisting solely of students from the same school will be given higher priority than teams consisting of students from different schools.
- If we reach our participation cap, any remaining teams will be placed on a wait list, and they will be notified as soon as possible if spots become available.
You will be able to modify your team until one week before contest day (you can only add team members from the same school unless the waitlist is empty). Modification requests should be submitted by email. After this deadline, the only team change you will be allowed to make is dropping members.
Please note that walk-ins are strictly not allowed. Students who try to register onsite on the day of the event will be asked to leave.
There are two different divisions in the competition: Novice and Advanced. A team may compete in the Novice division only if all members have less than a year and a half of programming experience. All teams may compete in the Advanced division.
Laptops and Equipment
Each team is required to bring a laptop with wireless capabilities (802.11b). You should also bring laptop power cables and extension cords to guarantee power throughout the contest. If you do not bring extension cords, we cannot guarantee access to power outlets.
Each team is restricted to the use of only one laptop. No external screen/monitor, keyboard, or mouse is allowed.
For the speed round, Javascript support is required, and the supported browsers are Firefox 59, Safari 8 (for OS X Yosemite), Chrome 58, Opera 19.0, and Microsoft Edge. Optimal browsing experience will be achieved with Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.
Lunch (pizza) will be provided free of charge. If you do not wish to eat pizza, please bring your own lunch.
Cool prizes will be awarded to the highest-scoring teams and vary year to year. Previous first place prizes have included Raspberry Pis, iPad Minis and Nintendo 3DSes.